Friday 28 March 2014

Saying Goodbye to Steve

An emotional day today, as we said goodbye to Steve.

Steve was 37 when he died; he had battled with cancer for the best part of ten years. I should say at this point that I always hesitate to say "battled" cancer - especially in this case, as Steve had 'lived' with cancer. He didn't let it define who he was. He didn't stop living when the diagnosis was confirmed - instead he embraced every single day.

So we had a ceremony that reflected a huge amount of love, admiration and respect. There must have been 200 or more family and friends to pay their respects. The flowers on the coffin were shaped as a full size guitar (music was a passion); his wife and family members each spoke (he was the kind of man that everyone warmed to - we could have spent the whole day listening to tributes if time had allowed). It was a lovely ceremony. The music was as unique and quirky as the man himself - I can't recall ever walking out to "Gertcha" by Chas n Dave before - somehow it just worked brilliantly.

I hope very much that today's ceremony will bring some comfort; it has certainly been a privilege sharing this last part of the journey.

I know I often mention Caleb Wilde's blog - he is a funeral director in the US. He writes with great clarity on issues few of us have to confront. This posting is no exception.

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