Friday 21 March 2014

A Quick Update

I've written at least six draft posts this afternoon and none would represent a worthwhile investment of your time reading them. So this post is just to say that I am still here - just a little overwhelmed at the moment by some incredibly emotional ceremonies. 

Andrew Jackson is an independent funeral celebrant, available to help families in Bristol, Bath and beyond. (but not 'beyond' like Buzz Lightyear - I'm thinking Somerset, Wiltshire and Bristol!). Picture is spring time in Bath.


  1. I did wonder ... hope you are ok. Time to be kind to yourself maybe, as you once said to me. :)

  2. Hi Sally - Yes, I did say that, didn't I.... I'm still learning how best to balance my role as a celebrant with the rest of life, but it is something I need to work on. I've just turned down the chance of a few days away in April, when I know I need a break - but it never seems the right time to stop. I hope life is treating you well?

  3. Not too bad thank you Andrew. I have taken on making an official complaint about mum's time in hospital, not the Nursing Home, but before that. It is proving to be upsetting reliving it all and composing the initial letter was hard, but I owe it to her and any others who may have the same experience. Hopefully changes will be made and to quote the person investigating it, "there will be some learning points."
    You should take that break, but I guess you know that already and have been told so by your wife and others who care.
    Best wishes anyway and I hope you achieve that balance soon.

  4. I suspect challenging the care your mum received is going to be a hugely frustrating process. Endless forms, repeated conversations and lots of well intended but generally useless platitudes - BUT if you have the strength, it will be worth it. I know from my celebrant conversations that so many in the care sector do a great job, but when that breaks down, it has to be challenged for every ones sake. It will be interesting to hear the response. You are doing the right thing by starting on this journey; I hope it doesn't become too draining for you though. Good luck!

  5. Thank you Andrew. It will be a challenge, I know, but I am very determined to go through with it. I can be assertive when I need to be - I've already insisted that any meetings take place outside my working hours (my colleagues were so supportive when I needed them to be so I don't want to test them any more). I may need to cry in a corner, but 'they' won't see that. Onward and upward ..... (as my Dad was fond of saying!)

  6. PS It is definitely only the care she, and we, received when she was sectioned that is the issue, I hasten to add. Her care in the Nursing Home (avoiding mentioning the name deliberately) was wonderful. :)
