Monday 24 June 2013

Reflecting on a Challenging Week

Sitting here, my first task is to apologise for the lack of blog postings of late. No real excuse other than last week was something of an emotional journey. For example, on Friday I helped a family say goodbye to a husband and father of two young children. He died from cancer aged just 38. It is difficult to know what to say, other than to be able to offer any kind of help and comfort in such circumstances is a huge privilege. 

Meeting with families in such circumstances are often happy and sad occasions in equal measure: the sad part is obvious - it is a huge loss and so unfair, so wrong that it is almost unbearable. But happy too because it is impossible to share life stories without the happy memories surfacing, the funny ways we all have, the good times relived. The family are incredibly strong and I was full of admiration that his sister and mother were able to deliver a poem and the eulogy. There are times as  celebrant when I am just so inspired by the inner strength people draw on in order to get through the toughest of times. I wonder if I will ever be able to step up to the mark in the same way.

On a different subject, my second task was to remind you to click on Caleb Wilde's blog in the listing. Again, a thought provoking post, questioning how faith can survive in his context of being surrounded by death (he is a funeral director in the USA). His words are always worth reading if you want something to make you think about life.

Today I have ben mostly rehearsing tomorrow's ceremony in Bath, Somerset: music choice includes Nat 'King" Cole and 'Smile' - beautiful.

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