Saturday 13 July 2013

That's a Coincidence...

As always (it seems) I have to start with an apology - it is far an age since the last post. Its been a busy few weeks and I'm currently helping four families create a funeral for their loved one, but even so, I will try to post a little more regularly!

Anyway, the coincidence is that the last blog title was "Bring me Sunshine". I'm now working on a ceremony with "Bring me sunshine" by Morecombe and Wise as the exit music. First time I've used this, but was really pleased when the family asked for it. I do like it when the ceremony finishes with a smile on the faces of those attending. Of course, it doesn't stop the hurt but it does set the grieve in a slightly different context.

Another ceremony I'm working on (I'm currently helping four families, so a bit busy)  has "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. It is an amazing track, filled with emotion and one of the last things he recorded. Not necessarily happy, but it is so moving.

So, back to the title - not a big coincidence but I thought I would share it with you all the same.

Today I have been mostly thinking about why death is so difficult for people to talk about and how I might make that easier...

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