Wednesday 9 July 2014

500 Days - The Project Continues

This is a quick update to the "500 Days' project blog, written in February...which incidentally, according to my site stats, is the most read post... is this a reflection on my funeral-related musings? Probably best not to answer that.

Anyway, 500 days is now less than 365 following a rather brilliant 49th birthday celebration. So a quick update on the the project...

Health: Goals as before - weight loss (heading in the right direction), BUPA check up (still summoning up the courage!), reducing sugar in my diet (all biscuits, etc banned) (actually as I write this I do have a glass of shiraz in front of me so there are some conflicting messages here). 

Gym membership was a complete waste of time - much prefer walking the countryside to improve fitness - so all marathon talk is officially abandoned - for the sake of my knees that is probably for the best. My charity fund raising will have to be achieved in a different way...I'm thinking a wine tasting event perhaps.... play to my strengths, that's what I say.

I've made a big decision to take a step back from my 'other' life as a professional photographer for 2015 and focus on some personal projects that have been bubbling away at the back of my mind. I've been a pro photographer for about 15 years, but over the years, I've started to shoot less and less for me. So in 2014/15 I shall limit the number of commissions I accept and instead, shoot some personal 'stuff'. You have no idea how exciting even writing that is!

My celebrancy work is increasingly busy - which suits me fine - emotionally, its such rewarding part of my life that I want to keep developing this - so watch out for more updates.

I'm going to use the next year to get on and "achieve". Mundane details I know, but I would love to decorate my office - that's long over due. I am going to try fly fishing, learning (re-learning) how to cook, visit France & improve my French language skills (for 'improve' read 'learn' -  I really am starting from almost zero), revisit old haunts and generally milk my 49th year for all its worth...I'll let you know how things develop.

Just re-read this - might be a bit on the dull side - sadly, being interesting isn't on the list...  

1 comment:

  1. This is a reply that came via email & it did bring to mind the thought the some of you reading this will be setting your own goals and challenges. Do feel free to post them here if making them public will help them become real - and good luck!

    "Dull, no mundane maybe, but that is everyday life. My plan for the next however long it takes is to learn to drive my sewing machine, which I bought while trying to discover my inner creativity a few years ago. I opened the instruction manual, closed it again very quickly and, since then, it has been in the corner of the dining room laughing at me."
